Writing a LinkedIn review is easy. Writing a review that blows your recipient away? Not so easy. My approach, using this great Muse article, is the way I try to write 100% off the time, whether it’s a recommendation, email or blog post: try to catch the reader’s eye with a strong hook, then dive into it and then wrap it up. Or as any college student writing a stellar paper would tell you, start with what you’re going to say, say it, then reiterate what you told them.
Here a few of my fave LinkedIn recommendations:
For Akil:
If, to paraphrase a famous Hitchcock movie “a boy’s best friend is his mother,” then a MBA’s candidate’s best friend is Akil. I was incredibly lucky to be Akil’s classmate during our MBA program at Villanova where we had numerous opportunities to work on group projects on nights and weekends, and am grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know him.
Incredibly personable and engaging, Akil was able to ease tension during difficult projects when we were tired while keeping us focused and giving 100% of his attention, smarts, and stellar attention to details on our work. I’m not sure how he did it, and I’d love to steal his secret but it came perfectly naturally to him! There was also no task too big or small for him as he would pitch in wherever he could to ensure the team was on track to meeting their goals. In group projects, having a team mate who is smart, efficient and motivational is equivalent to finding a unicorn. As a result, while we progressed through the 2-year program, Akil became very much in demand.
“Leadership is not always a title or position, it is also action and example” and Akil embodies that in everything he does. Therefore, as a team member or leader, I highly recommend Akil.
For Suzanne:
If life is a box of chocolates, and you never know what you’ll get, then I’m happy my box of chocolates gave me Suzanne. She was, and remains, one of my favorite co-workers of all time.
As the Senior Marketing Manager in Digital Media at Meredith, I was (luckily) assigned as Suzanne’s marketing rep. One of Suzanne’s greatest skills is her ability to understand her client’s business goals and brand objectives intimately, which translated into revenue-generating, high profile wins. However, I particularly loved working with her because she was incredibly insightful and on-target, open to new ideas that helped differentiate us from the competition, and an always supportive co-worker. For example, every time we won business, she was very thoughtful about buying the team lunch or flowers.
Honestly, I can’t recommend Suzanne highly enough because not only does she “get it,” she also is the most collaborative, thoughtful co-worker that I would love to have again in a heartbeat.
For Alex:
When I think of Steve Job’s quote “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works,” I immediately think of Alex’s work. The moment I met Alex I knew he had a talent beyond just designing, so I hired him to create B2B marketing graphics that would grab people’s attention at first glance. He delivered in spades.
From animated Instagram posts and digital media, to event brochures and signage, Alex crafts and executes designs that just work. What really impressed me is the amount of strategic thinking that Alex puts into each and every item he works on. He’s also a fantastic team member, pitching in on Starbucks runs and a calming presence when we’re visibly stressed out of our minds with deadlines. I can’t possibly recommend Alex highly enough as he’s been the best graphic designer and colleague I’ve ever worked with.
To see more recommendations check out my LinkedIn profile here.